Monday, June 20, 2011

Kid's Bible Study

I guess I'll start :-/ .

I've been leading the kid's Bible study (it's actually kind of like Sunday school on Friday night with kids from our cell group) for about half a year now. I've been pining to teach the kids so much and I felt as thought I hadn't taught them as much as I'd like.  It's especially hard since ages range from 2-10, all with high activity, curiosity, and mischief levels.  Last Friday morning, I simply asked God, "Please let me be able to teach the kids a lot tonight. I'm not very prepared this time, but I know these kids need to know more about You before they can live according to Your Word.  Help."  It wasn't eloquent, but I couldn't think what else to ask for.

7:45pm and only 4 kids, ages 7, 8, 9, and 10.  "Snap, I forgot to ask God would bring lots of kids to the Bible Study as well. *facepalm* Oh well, it's in God's hands now.

The study ended up being TWO and a HALF HOURS LONG!!  The parents evidently had dragged their study and prayer longer than usual. But with these four kids... wow. I started with a Bible Story book that gave a summary of the Old Testament. We never got past Solomon. The kids had so many questions. And for once, they were 99% relevant to the discussions at hand.  We talked about
original sin,
heaven and hell,
Satan and his fallen angels,
lots of Biblical history and how each person obeyed/disobeyed God,
not to be yoked with unbelievers (Solomon),
new spirit/creation,
sinful nature,
going to church,
the Holy Spirit,
and so much I can't remember.
I tried to find Scriptures off the top of my head that would support everything I was saying.  It was both amazing and humbling (man, do I need to study the Bible more).  At the end, I found out all four of them had unclear definitions of what Christians and children of God were, even though 2 were baptized. I pray I made it clear to them (and I think they understand now).  The other 2, I led to pray acceptance of Jesus as LORD and Savior. Hallelujah!!

10:15pm Jason: My iPod says it's 10:15... I'm tired.

God answered my prayer in an unexpected way. I wanted to impact a lot of kids and "hit them hard with the message."  God knew I couldn't handle it and He gave me a precious 2.5 hours with four of them. I was so amazed they were able to pay attention for so long and not complain.  Praise God for answering prayers and doing a better job than we could ever imagine.

Well - so much for keeping it brief. *rolls eyes at self*  Forgive the rambling and I'll try to do better the next time.

Your turn. :D

Soli Deo Gloria

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