Wednesday, July 6, 2011

In a Rut...

I know no one has posted here in quite a few days... But just about every day, and sometimes more than once a day, I try to think of what I could post here. What prayers has God answered for me recently?
Sometimes it seems like we're stuck in a rut, a daily routine of praying for something, but it doesn't seem to help, and God seems to have gone on a vacation from listening to us. It might even become hard to feel His presence in our lives at times, just like He's gone away, out of site. But even if we can't seem to see Him or feel Him or reach Him... we can know... We can know beyond a shadow of a doubt that He is there! Why? How? Because He promised us so.

But why would God ever allow us to feel that way, like He's far away? In many cases, I would suggest that He's testing our faith through it. There have been times in my life where the world seemed to be crashing down around me and it was trying to bring me down with it, and to top it all, God seemed far away. But ALWAYS... Every single time in situations like that... When I ran to my Father and poured out my heart to Him and pleaded with Him to help me draw closer to Him that He might draw closer to me... Always - He answered. This doesn't mean He would always perform a miracle and fix whatever situation I was in right away... But He would assure me that He is the Father who gives only good and perfect gifts (James 1:17), and that He had a plan for all this which would be far better than anything I could fathom.

Yes, I know this blog is mainly for posting specific answers to prayer... But I just wanted to encourage you all... and myself... and put out one of those reminders that at least I seem to need waaayy too often: God is good. He lets us fall in ruts for our good. And He has and does and always will answer prayers.

God Bless,

1 comment:

  1. I was thinking about posting ABOUT prayer, but I never was one for "sermonizing" or being eloquent. You did a great job encouraging with words. Thanks, Essie :) .
