Tuesday, January 10, 2012

School and Future

As CJ said, we've been terribly lax about updating this blog! I haven't really had any single big prayers answered in the last several months, but I have had quite a few smaller ones answered:

1. I still have yet to fail a class or test! I got 2 As on my 2 classes that I have finished since September and I passed the Marketing Communications TECEP. So far everything has transferred smoothly, so that's a real load off my mind :-)

2. All of my classes lined up so that I can finish my schoolwork in April!

3. God has been making things clear about what I should do for at least a year after I graduate, and has been opening the doors for that to happen!

Yes, He is good :-)


Monday, January 9, 2012


Not a thing on here since the end of September LAST year... this place needs a little livening up.

Anybody wanna join?  Lemme know and I'll send invites.

I have an answered prayer, but I'll link to it, because it's long and it has some rabbit trails on dessert. Link -->{It's like an awesome CLEP score...}